Meet Josefine Rudenstam - a Lifestyle Influencer and Head of PR

Meet Josefine Rudenstam, a lifestyle influencer working as a Global Head of PR. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to do an interview with her about her life in Stockholm, and life in general. I hope you will enjoy this article and get some inspiration...

Hey, Josefine. I am glad we could do this interview with you. Tell me, what specific thing do you love the most about Stockholm?

I love walking around every day in the city. I almost never take the subway or bus. All the green surroundings, parks, water and beautiful buildings we have around us change beautifully with the seasons.

I agree, Stockholm is truly beautiful! What’s your favorite thing to do on a day off?

I always start my day early. A favorite thing to do on a day off would be taking my long walk through Stockholm, or wherever I’m at, followed by a workout and meeting some friends together with my boyfriend for a late LUS (wine lunch without ending). It’s important to have a mix of everything in life!

Sounds just about a perfect day! Do you like to listen to something when you're walking around in Stockholm, maybe a podcast?

I listen to so many podcasts every week. It’s a mix in between funny easy podcasts to PR and marketing subjects to what’s going on in the world today. I mostly listen to Swedish ones.

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

My mom.

Do you have any hidden talent of yours?

I don’t really have any hidden talents, I make everyone around me take part of my ”talents” whether they want it or not. (Mostly singing and dancing).

Haha but I would say that’s kind of a talent itself! Who would you say is the most fashionable person you know?

My grandmother. She’s the most stunning woman in the world. And everyone tells me I look just like her, go figure, haha.

You are beautiful! My next question to you is about money. If you had an unlimited amount of money, and knew that you could not fail, what would you do?

Firstly, I would travel the world for a year. But I don’t think my life would look more different from what it looks like today. I do what I love every day, with people I love. I don’t think many people have the luxury of saying that. But I would definitely put more time aside for friends and family instead of work. Money or no money, I could never live without working and evolving.

What was your first job?

My first job ever was as a gymnastic teacher right after I quit as a gymnast at a young age. But in the industry I’m currently working in (PR and fashion) it was as a PR intern at a fashion PR firm.

When do you feel most creative?

At work.

Do you have any current obsession in life?

It must be my “me time”, and I hope it’s an obsession that lasts! I have earlier been having a hard time saying no to others. But I have learned that saying no to others sometimes means saying yes to myself.

I love to hear that, more “me time” to everyone. When was the last time you laughed out loud, and just could not stop laughing?

It was a few days ago visiting the love of my life in Switzerland, due to work we see each other every other month. But there’s the little things, silly moments - in pyjamas in the sofa - together with him. Just being me, being us, that just makes me laugh until I cry. If people saw us they would probably think we need to search for help.

Haha sounds like you had a great time. Now, something less romantic of a question. If anything, what scares you the most, in life?

Definitely that the ones I love the most won’t be with me forever, at some point they have to move on to another life in another world. That the world is constantly changing is what is the most beautiful about the world, but at the same time the most scary.

I could not agree more with you. Now, let's dive into some questions about training. Do you rather workout by yourself, in a group or together with a friend?

I rather workout by myself or in a group class.

When do you prefer to workout during the day?

As early as possible! Before everyone else is up.

And do you have a favorite workout?

I like to mix it up. Every week, I try to mix high intensity workout with sprints and weights. With cardio and resistance workout like pilates, megaformer and also barre. I think a mix is good for a healthy long lasting body and mind.

Yes I totally agree, it keeps the motivation up! Tell me about your first Pilates experience.

It was at the Megaformer machine. And WOW what an experience. My whole body was shaking through the whole workout and I was sore for days. I never thought something so slow and easy looking could be so extremely hard.

What’s the ultimate sportswear according to you?

Something that you feel both comfortable and stylish in. I think it’s of equal importance, at least for me. Because when I feel both comfortable and stylish, I feel great. And feeling great is the perfect start for working out, whatever the workout turns out to be.

Do you have a preference on a place in Stockholm where you workout?

I have a hard time working out at home, I have really tried. I love going to a studio and attending classes. Right now I visit Barry’s Bootcamp and Pilates studios every week.

Hope you enjoyed this feature with Josefine. She is a truly a beautiful woman, from inside and out. 

Xx, Helena-Alexandra

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