April 13, 2023Pilates Instructors
In Conversation with Pilates Instructor Emma Cowan at Pilates Complete
I had the privilege to meet Emma Cowan. Emma is an inspiring young Pilates Instructor who also happens to be one of Pebbles models for the latest collection. I took this opportunity to ask Emma about the guilty pleasures and her dream life. Enjoy this interview!
Nice to meet you over a post workout chat Emma! Tell me about yourself and how you normally spend your day?
- When I’m not working at Pilates Complete, I like to spend most of my time doing some type of training! This last year I have been practicing meditation, running, yoga and pilates, walking my dog, swimming, and reading. I’m an active person!
That's some serious movement you have going on in your life. What’s your favorite time of day?
- I’m a morning person! Anything is possible in the morning after a cup of coffee 😉
Sounds like you know how to take good care of yourself :) What would you say is the biggest learning experience you’ve had?
- Learning how to take care of myself. I think moving to Sweden from the States has really encouraged me to chase my dreams and work towards my goals. The last two years I’ve learned that relaxing and taking of myself is necessary if I want to continue moving towards my goals.
You seem to have a master plan ahead! What’s your idea of a perfect day?
- Sleeping in, drinking coffee in bed, taking a long walk followed by a swim in the lake. Then reading and eating good food. Surrounded by close family and friends.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- Whenever someone tells me they have enjoyed one of my Pilates classes!
- When I’m not working at Pilates Complete, I like to spend most of my time doing some type of training! This last year I have been practicing meditation, running, yoga and pilates, walking my dog, swimming, and reading. I’m an active person!
That's some serious movement you have going on in your life. What’s your favorite time of day?
- I’m a morning person! Anything is possible in the morning after a cup of coffee 😉
Sounds like you know how to take good care of yourself :) What would you say is the biggest learning experience you’ve had?
- Learning how to take care of myself. I think moving to Sweden from the States has really encouraged me to chase my dreams and work towards my goals. The last two years I’ve learned that relaxing and taking of myself is necessary if I want to continue moving towards my goals.
You seem to have a master plan ahead! What’s your idea of a perfect day?
- Sleeping in, drinking coffee in bed, taking a long walk followed by a swim in the lake. Then reading and eating good food. Surrounded by close family and friends.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- Whenever someone tells me they have enjoyed one of my Pilates classes!

Of course :) Is it also in the studio training when you feel the most inspired?
- Absolutely. After meditation or training.
What song can you listen to on repeat?
- A cover of Lay All Your Love on Me by Zara Larrson.
Makes me want to listen to it right now. It does put you in a happy mood. What makes you smile the most?
- My dog Snoop. He is a very cute amstaff with a strong personality. It’s hard not to laugh or smile when he’s around!
Oh, you have a dog! What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
- I think most people who meet me think I am very confident. I’m not really but I like the saying, “Fake it til you make it!”
But you ARE very confident. So tell me, apart from Snoop, what are the three things you can’t live without?
- Family and friends, meditation, and movement!
I have a sense you have lived a very adventurous life. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
- My early 20’s was adventurous! I moved around a lot through Arizona before moving to California and then Sweden.
A Cali girl moving to Sweden. How would you define yourself in three words?
- Determined, resilient, innovative
Working on our inside is defining us BUT we all know it all really starts with the clothes we wear ;) What’s your current favorite piece of clothing that you own?
- I love my mini jumpsuit from Pebbles! I’ve been living in it all summer!

That makes me really happy to hear. I hope you are not just being kind. What’s a must-have piece of sportswear everyone should own?
- A nice jumper 😉
Agree! What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
- Fake it til you make it!
What’s something you notice about someone when you first meet them?
- Their demeanor.
Oh, hope I made a good impression :) What’s your guilty pleasure?
- A good party!
What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now?
- I like pop!
Of course. I still have Zara's tunes in my ears. What book did you most recently finish?
- True Story a novel by Kate Reed Petty (Suspense, crime, fiction).
If you could switch life with one person for a day, who would it be?
- Someone with a beach house and a private chef!
Ah, take me with you! When is your favorite time of the day to workout?
- Morning!
What is your favorite Pilates move?
- Hip release and spinal rotation
What is the best investment you have ever made for yourself?
- My investment into my pilates education.
I hope you liked this chat that I had with Emma Cowan. If you want to train with Emma you will find her at one of Scandinavia’s most beautiful studios located in Gothenburg, Sweden. The studio is called Pilates Complete.
Xx, Helena